Assessing risk in order to reduce or remove it is at the heart of safe Scouting and is present in everything we do. Remember risk assessment is something we all do every day in deciding to cross a road or get out of the car, so no one should be scared of doing a risk assessment within Scouting. Resources are provided to help provide simple and practical guidance on this issue.
UK Scouts for templates for;
Four key topics which form a part of your planning and organisation for safety:
- Leader in Charge – what you need to consider for this vital strategic role for all Scouting activity.
- Safety on the Agenda – thinking about safety happens all the time and should be discussed at all meetings – Tips for items that pick it up but aren’t at first obvious.
- Near Miss Reporting – most of the time these just need to come to the attention of the Leaders meeting or Executive to be reviewed and a possible fix put in place. Sometimes it is helpful to let Headquarters know as it could have a wider reaching affect if not picked up.
- Accident Books – helps you put together a simple recording process and explains how/when you may need to report it further.