The Lincolnshire Scouts Programme Team offer support to Districts, Groups, Sections and Members with all aspects of the programme. This support falls into three main categories.
The sections below cover some of the tasks/activities we support are. But if you are not sure, please use our generic contact details and we will forward to the area/person best suited to support you.
In Lincolnshire, we're looking at a number of ways we can to support local sections and groups within each of the Districts during this unusual time, by providing access to systems and resources that will give more options to continue the activities you may wish to pursue. Check this page regularly, as it is being continuously updated with new information.
There are details of some programme specific items below but for further information on other areas of Scouting in Lincolnshire can be found on our dedicated Coronavirus News and Support Page .
All programme team events for the remainder of 2020 have been cancelled. As the situation changes we will be reviewing the need for events carefully.
Guidance on all areas of the programme is now available via the UK Scouts website.
If you have any queries regarding this guidance or how to implement locally please contact the County Programme Team ( Where required we will add any issues to our log to be raised with HQ.
As the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused schools to close and many people to isolate, these are challenging times for everyone. But it’s been heart-warming to see Scouts across the UK responding in such positive ways. The prospect of keeping up with connecting, learning and helping, feels like a way to maintain a sense of community and lightness during this time.
Please keep up that Scouts’ spirit. UK Scouts will be sharing more details on how to keep Scouts going at home, so we can bring young people together virtually and still help out in our communities.
UK Scouts have pulled together some inspiring indoor activity ideas to keep young people learning new skills and having fun now that schools are closed. Take a look at and feel free to share the activities with your team, friends and family as they’re not just for Scouts.
There are various platforms you can use to communicate with young people and families online. They’re all slightly different with different features, and most importantly, different levels of security and privacy. Be sure to check the minimum age requirements.
Click here to find out more about some of the most popular platforms.
There is a wealth of information and support available on the main UK Scouts Website to support you during this time.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us -
Other Scout groups and counties are developing their online programmes Basingstoke East and South London Scouts among them. Some offer uniform badges for their own county but for Lincolnshire members these are for camp blankets to record part of the scouting story.
Scout Radio
Scout Radio are also supporting virtual scouting -
The Member Support Team and Awards Team at UK HQ who normally respond to emails are currently on the Government Furlough Scheme, so are unable to respond to emails or process any award completions until their return.
Please forward any queries to us ( and we will assist where possible or collate issues to pass to HQ when things start to return to normal.
The Section Support Team are responsible for:
Section Support sessions at the County Conference
ADC Beaver and Cub Meeting at Skegness Aquarium
DESC meeting at Go Outdoors - Lincoln
Diving and Snorkelling Sessions at Skegness Aquarium
Beavers on Boats
The international team are responsible for:
If you are looking for information on travelling abroad with Scouts then visit the International pages of the UK Scouts website where you will find all the factsheets and information you need.
Ideas and reviews of venues and activities can be found on the Scouts Globe Trekker website. You can also submit reviews of any places you have visited.
For further advice or to request a Visits Abroad pack please contact the International Team.
If you are planning a Scouting trip abroad please follow the Visits Abroad (VA) process.
We can provide you with support and guidance on all aspects of planning your trip. Please contact
Full details of the Visits Abroad (VA) process are available on the UK Scouts website -
If you have any queries please contact
We are happy to provide support and guidance with all aspects of the international programme. This could be via e-mail/online chat/phone or a member of the team attending your district/group/section.
If you are in need of some support or guidance please contact
Details not currently available. These will be added shortly. In the meantime please contact
Winter Ski Trip to Kandersteg International Scout Centre - Switzerland
World Scout Jamboree - New York Visit
Award presentations at the World Scout Jamboree - West Virginia, America
The Youth Awards Team are responsible for:
More information on each award is available below.
Walking Expedition - Peak District
Sailing Expedition
Cycling Expedition
Youth Awards Celebration Event
The Queen's Scout Award is the top achievement for Explorer Scouts and Scout Network members and comprises of a variety of activities to complete.
The Queen's Scout Award (QSA) is linked closely to the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award and it is worth working on the two awards together.
To gain the award you must complete all of the following requirements before your 25th birthday.
Full details are in the Reach the Top support document. This document contains all information for Explorer Scouts, Scout Network members, Leaders and Commissioners in once place. Click below the tab below to download the latest version.
Although there is no requirement to register your intention to complete the award, if you do, we are able to get in touch with opportunities and support materials.
Register Here -
For all the latest award details and requirements visit
All Queen's Scout Awards are signed off by a member of the Youth Awards Team. Please forward all award completion forms and queries to
For support and guidance please contact the Youth Awards team (
Scouts of the World Award (SOWA) is a Scout Network only award that gives Scout Network members the chance to undertake a project of their choice within the themes of Peace, Environment and Sustainability and take action on their chosen issue.
Through your Scouts of the World Award journey, you’ll develop skills and knowledge that will empower you to undertake a project that will make a sustainable impact on your local, national or international community, while developing your personal skills.
You’ll learn skills including independence, team work, project planning, time management and communication skills, while gaining an understanding for global issues and international relations. You don’t have to go abroad to complete your Scouts of the World Award. Local and national projects are acceptable, as long as all requirements of the award are being met.
Registrations for the Scouts of the World award are managed by UK Scouts HQ.
Full details are available at
All of the Top awards are signed off by a member of the Youth Awards team. Please contact us or forward any completion forms to the Youth Awards team (
If you need support with completing the Scout of the World award. Please contact the Youth Awards team (
A life-changing experience. A fun time with friends. An opportunity to discover new interests and talents. A tool to develop essential skills for life and work. A recognised mark of achievement; respected by employers.
The DofE is many things to many people, supporting generations to successfully navigate adult life.
There are four sections to complete at Bronze and Silver level and five at Gold. They involve helping the community/environment, becoming fitter, developing new skills, planning, training for and completing an expedition and, for Gold only, working with a team on a residential activity.
Any young person aged 14-24 year-olds can do a DofE programme at one of three progressive levels which, when successfully completed, leads to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. This is regardless of ability, gender, background or location. Achieving an Award isn’t a competition or about being first. It’s all about setting personal challenges and pushing personal boundaries.
Through a DofE programme young people have fun, make friends, improve their self-esteem and build confidence. They gain essential skills and attributes for work and life such as resilience, problem-solving, team-working, communication and drive, enhancing CVs and uni and job applications. Top employers recognise the work-ready skills Award holders bring to their business.
As part of The Scouts Licenced Organisation, Lincolnshire Scouts runs the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme through local District teams with admin support provided centrally.
Please use the information in the tabs below to find out more information about DofE with Lincolnshire Scouts.
If you are interested in completing a Duke of Edinburgh's Award with Lincolnshire Scouts, first contact your unit leader or Commissioner. They will be able to provide you with the information and support available for completing the awards locally.
After speaking to your local contact, complete the online registration form
Registration Fees:
(This includes the participant fee due to the DofE along with the admin costs Lincolnshire Scouts incur administrating the award scheme).
Please Note: There may be delays in payments being processed at the current time due to COVID-19.
Details of how to pay the registration fees will be sent by e-mail on submission of the form. All payments need to be received within 20 days of submitting the form. You will receive an e-mail confirming your payment has been processed.
You will then be registered and receive your welcome e-mail. Welcome Packs are issued direct from the DofE within a couple of week of a participant logging in to eDofE and confirming their details.
Once your registration form and fee have been processed, you will receive an email with your login details to eDofE and your DofE welcome pack will be posted to you.
Please complete the online form -
It can take you to two weeks for your record to me transferred. You will receive an e-mail confirming when this has taken place.
Please Note: Participants cannot be transferred if an award or section of an award are submitted for approval.
It may take up to 21 days from when a participant enters their address on eDofE for their Welcome Pack to arrive. If their pack hasn’t arrived after this time, the participant or their Leader should email
If the participant’s pack has been returned to us, we’ll resend it to their DofE centre, care of their Leader. If it hasn’t been returned, we will send an unpersonalised pack to their centre address.
When we become aware of expedition opportunities, we will contact participants that we are aware are looking for an expedition.
If there is significant demand for a specific type of expedition we will look into options for facilitating it.
Use this form to register your information to be notified of Expedition Opportunities -
Awards Sections:
When you complete and submit a section of your award, you submit it to a local leader. They will review the section and either approve or query it.
Completed Awards:
Once you have completed all sections of your award it is submitted for verification. For Bronze and Silver awards, these are normally verified at County level. Gold awards are verified by UK Scout HQ before submission to DofE Windsor.
Award Queries:
This is a normal part of the approval process and is fairly common. In most cases it will simply be a request for additional information or clarity. Remember, the person verifying your award does not know you and can only go on the information provided on eDofE.
Certificate Issue:
Bronze and Silver Certificates are issued to your local District Commissioner on a monthly basis.
Gold Certificates are issued direct from DofE either at a national awards ceremony or in the post as indicated by the participant on eDofE.
In the first instance please contact your section/DofE Leader.
If they are nat able to help, please contact the DofE Team:
Participants can register individually or you can register them as a cohort.
Participants will need to complete the online form -
They will then have 20 days to make the payment via the details det to them by e-mail.
Once payment is received, participants will be registered within two weeks.
The designated DofE contact for your district and the participant will receive a confirmation e-mail once they are registered.
Welcome Packs are issued direct by the DofE and should arrive within a couple of weeks of the participant confirming their details on eDofE.
As a Cohort
Please see separate guidance for registering cohorts.
All adults involved in running checking/approving participants sections will need an eDofE Leader account. T get an account please completed this form -
If you need access to a new District, please also complete the form above.
Once submitted the form, your local Commissioner will be aske to approve the application. Once this is done it can take up to two weeks to register you on eDofE.
Do you have a lot of participants to register in one go? The cohort registration process may be better than individual registrations, especially if payments are to he handled centrally by yourself.
All DofE Expeditions need to be notified to the County DofE Team (inc. practice expeditions).
This is done through our online notification form -
If you would like one of the team to review your routes or any other expedition paperwork please contact
As participants progress through their award, the DofE Leader will be approving their programme planners, evidence and assessor reports. Upon approval of the final section, the award will be submitted for verification.
Award Verification:
Bronze and Silver Awards - These awards are normally verified by the County DofE Team. Regular meetings are scheduled where all pending awards are verified against the Award Verifiers Checklist.
Gold Awards - Upon approval of the final section these are submitted direct to UK Scouts and then to DofE Windsor. For Gold awards we recommend that you ask a member of the DofE Team to review the whole award before approving the final section. This should help speed the process up as potential issues can be identified earlier.
At all approval and verification stages, awards may be queried. This is a normal process and is likely just a request for additional information. Please remember that the people verifying awards may not know the individual and can only go from the information available in eDofE.
Certificate Issue:
Certificates for Bronze and Silver awards are issued by the County DofE team on a monthly basis.
Certificates for Gold awards are issued by DofE Windsor. Either at a national awards ceremony or through the post (as selected in eDofE)
Please contact the DofE Team: